
I don't know if anyone knows this about me, but I Love relfecting...I reflect on everything, almost to the point of obsession. My best moments are when I'm travelling....on the bus, train, car; for whatever reason, moving in some sort of vehicle enhances my capacity for relfection.

As I've been travelling quite a fair bit of late, I've inevitably started reflecting a lot more. In these past few weeks, theyS've turned almost solely to the thought of what makes me happy, where do I find joy, the little things that make my heart smile. As such, I've compiled a mini list here...now, this list is only a fraction of the thousands of things that make me happy. So, lets just say, at the time of posting this, these are the few random ones that sprung to mind.

1. Making someone laugh.
2. Perfectly buttered toast.
3. The air in Manhattan after 8 pm on a crisp autumn night.
4. My dog sleeping on my tummy.
5. The sight, smell & sounds of my home on Christmas Morning.
6. The remembrance of laughter - "re-laughing".
7. Receiving packages.
8. The awareness of being loved.
9. Liva.
10.Eves-dropping on conversations among strangers.
11. London.
12. People doing unexpected things: I saw a lady skip to the train in Grand Central; a child squeeling "this is so exciting!" at nothing in particular..
13. A baby clutching my finger / falling asleep in my arms.
14. Looking up at the person across/next to you & realizing you have a friend for life.
15. Dimple (the person).
16. Dimples on guys (the facial feature).
17. 3/4-boiled eggs (yes, I detest 1/2 boiled, while full boiled just isn't perfect enough).
18. Christmas Carols.
19. Private jokes.
20. The surge of energy as a crowd of people cross the street when the 'Walk'-light flashes green.
21. Books that make me warm in the middle & my toes curl with delight.
22. Random conversations with strangers.
23. Receiving letters / emails (that are Not 'fwd:..."s) .
24. Taking a really good picture.
25. Having dinner with my entire family.
26. The air inside places of worship, especially churches.
27. Cooking for others.
28. Conversations that are deep, silly, fun and precious.
29. Black & white pictures.
30. Giving a damn good presentation.
31. Singing with a church full of people.
32. Friends.
33. Replaying conversations in my head.
34. Correctly saying something in a foreign language.
35. Bemidji.
36. Romantic poems...not corny B.S, but really, Really good stuff (re: kahlil gibran, ingrid trobisch, rumi...)
37. Dogs.
38. My dog.
39. A well-dressed man.
40. Daydreaming.
41. Lines (from a book/movie/person/song) that make my heart pause for a second, while my mind attempts to grasp the greatness of it.
42. Singing along to songs.
43. Learning something new about myself.
44. Laughing till I'm out of breath, my sides hurt & my cheeks ache.
45. The feel of really clean teeth.
46. Good perfume.
47. A smile from a stranger.
48. Being proud of my work.
49. Hugs.
50. Walking down the street with music playing in the background that matches my mood perfectly.

What makes Your heart smile?


mythsn_legends said...

Gosh...that is a great idea....listing down what makes me happy....
My problem is that I think too much and not write them down...hahahaha...

I was smiling as I read your list...:)

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