Excerpt from Notes from the Park (Maliamauv, 2007)
4.10 pm - November 7th, 2007, Bethesda Terrace, Central Park
I'm sitting on a bench, in front of a gorgeous fountain, eating an empanada. It's cold, about 3 degrees celcius. In the background there's an opera recital going on. I can't see them, but their voices ring clear against the acoustic canvas of the fountain. An old man sits on a bench a short distance from me, a black umbrella his lone companion. Near the lake, a photographer snaps, shoots and directs a couple - standard actions before he Photoshops out the dull depths of the man's eye and the over hopefulness of the lady's fifth avenue smile.
Excerpt from Being Whimsical by the Water (Maliamauv, 2007)
If I ever marry someone painfuly wealthy, I'd love for my wedding reception to be in The Boathouse, facing The Lake in the park. While guests sway to the soothing serenade of sparkling champagne & a string quartet, we'll steal away for a private moment for a row on The Lake - a ridiculous but charming sight we'll be; me in my wedding dress, he in his Neru-tux, laughing & reciting our private vows in an old, rocking, wooden boat.

Painfully rich??? hahahahaha!
Like your idea of where to have your wedding reception :)
Mine would be at the beach, at night.....with waves crashing away and lights twinkling away, music filling the salty air and me.....dancing with my darling to soft sensual music ;)
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