Take Note
Hello - please note that all pictures posted here belong to me, unless otherwise stated. So, if for whatever reason you'd like to use them, do let me know. And use appropriate citations - nothing short of APA style, please! ; )
Cereal Inspiration
"The landscape of the quaint town was changed by the ubiquitous rivulets that formed after the deluge, and the pugnacious townsmen reacted in an insolent way when they saw this."
The words that have been italicized were randomly generated over several weeks, as part of a breakfast-game that we played at camp. One morning, over cereal, I suddenly thought of these words, and a sentence formed itself in my head. Those words must have been playing up there for a bit. huh.
Good Vibrations
BERSIH - syioknyer.
The article & all pictures in this post were ripped-off Malaysiakini.com. I hate to rip-off their work, but this is for the benefit of all those who don't have accounts there. This will not be a common occurence, so, do yourselves a favor, and subscribe to malaysiakini.com
40,000 protest for free and fair elections Nov 10, 07 8:16am
Tens of thousands of protesters massed outside Istana Negara this afternoon, facing off against riot police in defiance of a government ban on the rally calling for clean and fair elections.
The demonstrators, an alliance of opposition parties and civil society groups, had marched in the driving rain to the palace, chanting "Election Reform" and "Justice".
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had vowed to suppress the demonstration, backing police who said they feared riots could break out.
But the rally went ahead despite efforts to close down the centre of Kuala Lumpur, with a heavy police presence and roadblocks that caused traffic snarls.
"There are close to 30,000 protesters here at the moment. We have agreed to have them sit down in front of the palace and have four representatives present a petition" to the palace representative, a senior police officer told AFP.
Bersih: 40,000 at palace gate
Organisers of the rally said that at least 40,000 had turned up for the rally.
Some 400 police in riot gear were deployed at the palace, including dozens armed with automatic weapons and several with tear gas launchers. Two water cannons were set up behind police lines.
"The Malaysian public must be allowed to express their opinions and views," parliamentary opposition leader Lim Kit Siang said at the palace gates before going in to deliver the petition.
"It is not fair for the government not to issue a permit for this rally to take place as it is only the voice of the people being expressed here," he said.
Organisers had planned to hold the rally at the city's Dataran Merdeka but were forced to shift the venue after police sealed it off.
Anwar made short speech
Anwar Ibrahim, who was heir apparent to former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad until 1998 when he was sacked and jailed for sodomy and corruption, was only allowed to make brief remarks at the rally.He yelled out his slogan of "Reformasi" or "Reform" and thanked the crowd for coming.
"We want free and fair elections and clearly Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi and his cabinet are complicit to the crime of cheating Malaysians from having free and fair elections," he told reporters later.
Anwar's sodomy conviction has been overturned but the corruption verdict stands, barring him from standing for public office until April 2008.
Protests are rare in Malaysia, and the last major rallies were seen in 1998 during the "Reformasi" movement that erupted after Anwar's sacking.
The pictures below are that of my family - ah, riot police, tear-gas, 40 000 protestors. A normal family gathering. ; )
Mary, Mary, quite contrary...
I love grocery stores.
I love grocery stores, and fresh food markets, and fish stalls and butchers. I love the way time slows down in my mind as I peruse the aisles, taking in labels and colours, smells and textures. I love the way the names jump out at me...fig-almond butter, olives stuffed with goat cheese, sesame & soy glazed slow roasted duck, rasberry-wine vinegarette.
But it isn't just the gourmet grocery stores that I love. I adore the sight of fresh vegetables and fruit, the vibrant colours and the marks where little insects nibbled a little on them, proof of their freshness. I love holding the fruit, smelling it for it's true essence, unmarked by the spray of fertilizers.

Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
I live with my brat,
In a high-rised flat,
So how the hell should I know?
(Pic: Garden of Eden gourmet market, Brooklyn, NY)
I walked by a fish market today, and overheard two teenage girls complain about the smell. 'It smells so...', - alive? real? like home? I thought to myself. There's something to be said about standing in water that has been muddled with fish guts, being bumped about by aunties and their pasar-baskets and brushing the dirt of the sayur...it's grounding and incredibly real.
Below: Pictures taken from my trip to Wholefoods (love it!), on a rainy NY evening.
Homeboy Got Game
On my way back from a fantabulous dinner with Rubi & Medina @ Africa Kine (gorgeous Senagalese food ; i had thiebou yapp, mmm), I had several hillarious encounters with some...'interesting' strangers-on-public-transportation.
Scene 1: Mother & child at the bus stop.
The little girl (about 3 years old) fixated all her energy on hitting the poor, innocent billboard (I usually hate ads, but this was a public service ad that read "can one person change a city?"). The mother, tired from telling the child to stop, decided to take disciplining-through-truth to a whole new level.
Mother: "You have to stop that. It's glass. Glass will cut you. And you will start to bleed. Blood will come gushing out of you. Blood will be everywhere. Then I'm going to have to take you to the doctor. The doctor is going to give you the needle. The doctor will then tell you that you can't go home, ever."
I think she was a breath away from telling her child that if she didn't stop her vandalistic-attempts, she would DIE.
Scene 2: Subway station with an old man, a young hatted man & me.
Old man: Woah, homeboy got game. Bringin' out the moves!
Young man: Oh yeah, he's pumpin out the rythm alright.
These two strangers were observing a young chinese chap practice dance steps (we couldn't hear any music). They were right, he really was breaking down the funk...that guy was going to town with the shakestepswaypumptwisturnshimmy. Hilarious sight, especially sans music. The young hatted man observed "this is what i love about noo-yowk, you can do anythin and nobody gonna mind ya".
Scene 3: On the bus back home, a young couple cut in front of an old man
The old man, although right to be annoyed that the line was cut when entering the bus, really took anger to a whole new level. He decided the best way to teach the young missy & lad a lesson in manners would to yell at them from the opposite end of the bus. How glad were we, the innocent bystanders, to be privy to this man's wise words of advice on etiquette & decorum.
Sir Angry Augustus: Where yall get off cuttin the line like that?! No manners! Didntcha mamma teach ya no manners? So rude! So rude! No Manners!! No manners!! You dont go cuttin peoples lines! So rude!
-No, it doesn't stop there. and yes, he had a penchant for being repetitive, as you'll soon see. Here's the real clincher, the real manners-momento-
Sir Angry Augustus: F***in' A**holes!! F***in' A**holes!! F***in' A**holes!!
He then continued to repeat "F.A" about four thousand times, louder and louder. By the second hundred yell of F.As, the whole bus started cracking up. Nobody could contain their laughter anymore. One guy had tears streaming down his face from laughing so hard. Now, it's not as if we were all foul-mouthed people who laughed at vulgarities. It was just hillarious that a man who would get so upset over people getting rude would scream curses at them as a way of teaching! Oh...*sigh.
The world is full of funny sights. Keep your ears and eyes open. There really is never a dull moment.
"Life is real! Life is ernest!"

Excerpt from Notes from the Park (Maliamauv, 2007)
4.10 pm - November 7th, 2007, Bethesda Terrace, Central Park
I'm sitting on a bench, in front of a gorgeous fountain, eating an empanada. It's cold, about 3 degrees celcius. In the background there's an opera recital going on. I can't see them, but their voices ring clear against the acoustic canvas of the fountain. An old man sits on a bench a short distance from me, a black umbrella his lone companion. Near the lake, a photographer snaps, shoots and directs a couple - standard actions before he Photoshops out the dull depths of the man's eye and the over hopefulness of the lady's fifth avenue smile.
Excerpt from Being Whimsical by the Water (Maliamauv, 2007)
If I ever marry someone painfuly wealthy, I'd love for my wedding reception to be in The Boathouse, facing The Lake in the park. While guests sway to the soothing serenade of sparkling champagne & a string quartet, we'll steal away for a private moment for a row on The Lake - a ridiculous but charming sight we'll be; me in my wedding dress, he in his Neru-tux, laughing & reciting our private vows in an old, rocking, wooden boat.

KatFact #3: The Half-Conscious Self
The period of time after I lay my head down on my pillow & before I fall asleep is when I'm at my most creative - I compose the best letters, think up really creative story lines, form poetry, solve math problems, come up with great decorating ideas, create new recipes...etc. The magical combination of pure exhaustion, a half-conscious state and a pillow never fails me.
Could this be why my I perform best on assignments & papers when running on 2 hours of sleep, almost no food, a pillow behind my back and the deadline coming at me quicker than a Japanese bullet train controlled by a driver running on E & an adrenaline high?
Is the state of half-consciousness my point of optimal performance?
Lady Liberty
From my walk across the Brooklyn Bridge (Nov 5th '07):

“The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
KatFact#2: I really, really dislike the sight of people chewing gum - As prissy as I sound, I find it distasteful & rather uncouth. The worst is when they snap & pop the gum incessantly. *shudder.
I've decided that every day -ok, woah, too big a commitment-, scratch that, as often as possible, i shall include a little 'fact' about myself.
It shall be a process of self-discovery - hopefully.
So, with great pleasure & much excitement, I bring you, KatFact #1 *curtains open, elephants ride unicycles up & down the stage, circus music plays, I trampoline off a platform & land on one knee on the middle of stage, hands stretched open (jazz-fingers), ending it with a theatrical "Ta da!!" *
The first diary I ever owned was a pink & purple diary that came with a little plastic 'heart-shaped' lock (with one of those dumbarse keys that give the illusion of safety & privacy). I was 9. I liked the idea of writing in it more than the actual act of doing so (not much has changed). I made several entries in it, only to then have my privacy ripped from me - my siblings, being siblings, read it. As a further act of precaution, I started to write my entries in code.
I then forgot the code.
So, the secrets to/of my heart shall be locked away forever. Even from me.

I like you, Like You.
I caught a bit of a David Duchovny interview the other day, and something he said struck me. The interviewer asked him what the secret to his successful marriage with actress Tea Leoni was ; his reply, although simple enough, was rather striking. "We still like each other".
How many people can say that about their partners, years down the road of marriage?
We still like each other.
I don't know if anyone knows this about me, but I Love relfecting...I reflect on everything, almost to the point of obsession. My best moments are when I'm travelling....on the bus, train, car; for whatever reason, moving in some sort of vehicle enhances my capacity for relfection.
As I've been travelling quite a fair bit of late, I've inevitably started reflecting a lot more. In these past few weeks, theyS've turned almost solely to the thought of what makes me happy, where do I find joy, the little things that make my heart smile. As such, I've compiled a mini list here...now, this list is only a fraction of the thousands of things that make me happy. So, lets just say, at the time of posting this, these are the few random ones that sprung to mind.
1. Making someone laugh.
2. Perfectly buttered toast.
3. The air in Manhattan after 8 pm on a crisp autumn night.
4. My dog sleeping on my tummy.
5. The sight, smell & sounds of my home on Christmas Morning.
6. The remembrance of laughter - "re-laughing".
7. Receiving packages.
8. The awareness of being loved.
9. Liva.
10.Eves-dropping on conversations among strangers.
11. London.
12. People doing unexpected things: I saw a lady skip to the train in Grand Central; a child squeeling "this is so exciting!" at nothing in particular..
13. A baby clutching my finger / falling asleep in my arms.
14. Looking up at the person across/next to you & realizing you have a friend for life.
15. Dimple (the person).
16. Dimples on guys (the facial feature).
17. 3/4-boiled eggs (yes, I detest 1/2 boiled, while full boiled just isn't perfect enough).
18. Christmas Carols.
19. Private jokes.
20. The surge of energy as a crowd of people cross the street when the 'Walk'-light flashes green.
21. Books that make me warm in the middle & my toes curl with delight.
22. Random conversations with strangers.
23. Receiving letters / emails (that are Not 'fwd:..."s) .
24. Taking a really good picture.
25. Having dinner with my entire family.
26. The air inside places of worship, especially churches.
27. Cooking for others.
28. Conversations that are deep, silly, fun and precious.
29. Black & white pictures.
30. Giving a damn good presentation.
31. Singing with a church full of people.
32. Friends.
33. Replaying conversations in my head.
34. Correctly saying something in a foreign language.
35. Bemidji.
36. Romantic poems...not corny B.S, but really, Really good stuff (re: kahlil gibran, ingrid trobisch, rumi...)
37. Dogs.
38. My dog.
39. A well-dressed man.
40. Daydreaming.
41. Lines (from a book/movie/person/song) that make my heart pause for a second, while my mind attempts to grasp the greatness of it.
42. Singing along to songs.
43. Learning something new about myself.
44. Laughing till I'm out of breath, my sides hurt & my cheeks ache.
45. The feel of really clean teeth.
46. Good perfume.
47. A smile from a stranger.
48. Being proud of my work.
49. Hugs.
50. Walking down the street with music playing in the background that matches my mood perfectly.
What makes Your heart smile?
Deep Meaningful Insight Into How The X-Files Contributed Positively To My Life (The title also known as "TXF-Rox")

This is in reaction to Franpei's "An-X-Phile...? you've got some explaning to do, tootsie". Now, I'm not exactly sure what it is she wanted explained, but it got me thinking, and then it got my typin...so here's a few -albeit long- explanations...
1. At the ripe old age of 11, I was a pro at surfing the net, changing all my computer settings to x-files related themes (sounds/pictures/...my computer would say "they are shutting us down, scully" as Windows shut down), improved my typing skills...and many more. Hence,it honed my IT skills.
2. I read...a Lot. It doesn't matter that it was mainly XF- related material...the point is, I was a kid hooked to reading, and learning...yes, it made me a Geek, and how proud I am of that!
3. I learned self-censorship. Haha, yes, if any of you have checked out x-files fanfiction, you know there's lots of stuff 12 year olds shouldn't be reading. And having only myself to restrict what I was reading, I was careful not to read
things I thought I shouldn't. (Ok so basically, I stuck to UST and didn't venture into RST till I was in my later teen years).
4. I developed a deep attraction to clever, passionate guys. Unfortunately,they also tended to carry around alot of emotional baggage (which has made me worry about myself)...this is evident in that all my "fictional-character-crushes" tend to have a similar profile; brilliant, passionate, angst-heavy, emotionally scarred....; Mulder (duh), Dr. Carter (ER) Jack (Lost) & perhaps even House (ahem).
5. Clever women kick ass, and are damn sexy (have you met Scully?)(Btw, I'm the 'clever woman' in this. So spot the lesson?).
6. Where else would I have learned words like "syzgy", "prometheus" "autoerotic asphyxiation" and 'azygus_nexus' (my screen name on an XF board when i was 13)?

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Cigarette Smoking Man :::blows puff of smoke::: There was no chicken.
Fox Mulder: No government agency has jurisdiction over the chicken. The chicken is out there, Scully, and we will find it.
7. Developed a love for science...although I'd never grow to be good at it, TXF drummed into me a deep love for learning about science ; reading the real scientific explanations behind TXF episodes taught me ALOT.
8.Insight into Native American life; because of episodes like Anasazi and characters like Albert Hosteen, I learned about Navajo life, 'code-talkers' that were used in WWII, Native American religious practices & way of life...this would later lead me to do a project on NA-religions in Uni, a paper & presentation that turned out to be ass-kickingly good.
9. Humor - some of the funniest lines ever to be said on TV came from the x-files. I have no doubt that my sense of humor has been influenced by dialogue from TXF.
10. Research: As a kid, I didn't understand alot of what went on in TXF episodes, so, being an "X-Phile", as soon as the episode was over, I'd go online & read up as much as I could about the focus of that week's episode.
11. Fixing the VCR: I taped every episode of TXF, and became pretty much the only one who could figure out the VCR at home, hooking it up to the TV, changing the settings...(it sounds simple, but it is NOT when you are a kid!).
12. Cataloguing: Developed a system for organizing my XF tapes.
13. Saving money: I'd save money so that I'd have enough to buy blank tapes for my episodes...note: my allowance wasn't exactly huge.
14. Inspired my writing...when I was 10 I wrote a short story called "Beyond Comprehension", about alien abductions; when I was 16 we had to write an English essay that ended with the line "and together they accomplished it", my essay turned into a 3000-word story that involved the characters of Mulder & Scully on a case,
where the last line was meant to reflect their complex & absolutely fantastic partnership; In my last sem of university, my final paper for Psychophysiology/Perception was written as a part of a scene for TXF (no, it was Not plagiarized!).
15. XF-fanfic definitely formed my perceptions of love & romance. Some people have "Sweet Valley", others have Mills & Boons, I had writers like Leyla Harrison/Anne Haynes/ Sheryl Martin...sigh, good times.
16. It has made me a sucker for clever-subtle innuendo & witty comebacks.
17. Patience: Do you know what torture my soul went through knowing that the new
season of TXF would only be released in Malaysia one year after it's US release? Do you? Huh? DO YOU?!
18. An appreciation for private/in-jokes...ah, the bond that is the X-Phile community. The subtle comments, glances, every little detail nit picked, enjoyed and laughed/mused over...
19. Memory skills: Although I could never memorize anything relating to Kimia, or
whatever subject I loathed but had to learn, I could still easily memorize all episode & character names & details from every season.
20. Memories.
I'm sure there are a thousand other ways TXF inspired me, changed me, entertained me...and for all you skeptics out there who think its just another show, I want you to think about books that have affected you profoundly, music pieces, conversations, people...and think about the effect of that on someone at the age of 9, an effect
that 13 years later, is still so strong. Sure, it's crazy...but aih,
it's good-crazy, I say.
How many X-Philes does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- 23 to look at the bulb and get distracted because they realize it reminds them of a scene from The X-Files.

"It sucks to be single, unemployed and almost twenty-three...yes, it sucks to be me!"
No, dear, no...this is not *K going through a bad spell; the above, although uncannily descriptive of yours truly's state (without the negativity, I must add), is not a personal lament, but rather a line from a fabulous Broadway show - Avenue Q!

Yes, I spent a lovely evening with 'fellow-New Yorkers' Princeton, KateMonster, Rod, Christmas Eve, Gary Coleman, Bad-Idea-Bears and Lucy The Slut (among other charming friends!) in their homey neighbourhood of Avenue Q.
We danced (well, they did) and sang (I kinda did) and laughed (we did) along to many issues close to the heart of fresh grads, the unemployed, singletons & Gary Coleman (yes, he deserves a category to himself). Much wisdom was shared by the delightful characters and their puppet-selves. Below are some highlight-snippets, most of which won't make much sense without the greater context. But, this is my blog, and it'll make sense to me.

From: "I Wish I Could Go Back to College"
Kate: I wish I could go back to college, life was so simple back then.
Nicky: What would I give, to go back and live, in a dorm with a meal plan again?
Princeton: I wish I could go back to college, in college you know who you are. You sit in the quad and think, Oh my God, I am totally gonna go far!
All: How do I go back to college? I don't know who I am anymore!
Princeton: I wanna go back to my room and find a message in dry erase pen on the door...whoa whoa whoa...I wish I could just drop a class.
Nicky: Or get into a play.
Kate: Or change my major.
Princeton: Or (beep) my T.A.!
All: I need an academic advisor to point the way! We could be sitting in the computer lab, four a.m. before the final paper is due, cursing the world cuz I didn't start sooner, and seeing the rest of the class there too! I wish I could go back to college! How do I go back to college?
Princeton: I wish I had taken more pictures.
Nicky: But if I were to go back to college, think what a loser I'd be. I'd walk through the quad and think, Oh my God!
All: These kids are so much younger than me!
"There's a fine line between love & a waste of your time" - KateMonster
"If you re-arrange the letters in 'unemployment', you spell 'opportunity'!" - Gary Coleman
"What do you do with a B.A. in English? What is my life going to be? Four years of college and plenty of knowledge, Have earned me this useless degree. I can't pay the bills yet, 'cause I have no skills yet; The world is a big scary place, But somehow I can't shake the feeling I might make A diff'rence to the human race." - Princeton
From: Screen shots (There are scenes on a TV, as is done on Sesame Street when they have a new word to learn, or whatever...)
"come-mitment" ----> hillarious if you know the scene before that (Ok, I'll tell you, the scene before that involves KateMonster & Princeton 'doing the pretzel'.)
"Five night stands" -picture of five night stands- / -four night stands removed- / "One night stand"
Ah, a lovely evening at the theatre, followed by a stroll about Broadway, conversations with strangers, a latte & some pie. Plus, I spotted the star of the show taking a walk along my route with some pals of his - Bonus! I'm a happy camper, I say. *insert wink, with wink-music* ; )

Justice Served, Garnished with Hope

Irene wins libel suit, awarded RM200,000
Beh Lih Yi
Oct 26, 07 1:01pm
Migrant-labour activist Irene Fernandez won her defamation suit against Malay-language daily Utusan Malaysia at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today and was awarded RM200,000 in damages.
“I am of the opinion that the article was not a piece of responsible journalism,” justice Tee Ah Sing said in concluding a 104-page judgment that took close to two hours to read out.
The judge rejected the defence put forward by the defendants’ counsel, including that the article was written with justification, fair comment and qualified privilege.
The judgment was greeted with applause from the public gallery, which include a full force of staff from the Tenaganita, which Fernandez heads.
Also present were her sister Aegile and regional migrant group Caram-Asia regional coordinator Cynthia Gabriel.
As soon as the court adjourned, Fernandez, 61 - walking with the aid of a cane - went up to hug one of her lawyers, M Moganambal (photo, right), and both broke into tears of joy.
The decision came 11 years after she filed the suit against the two defendants - Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and its writer, Johardy Ibrahim - over an article published on Sept 20, 1995.
The article claimed that Fernandez had failed to cooperate with the police in their investigation into allegations in a memorandum.
At a press conference in August 1995, Fernandez had revealed allegations of alleged torture and deaths in Malaysian detention camps for illegal immigrants. This has led to a police investigation against her for spreading "false news".
In the suit, Fernandez had argued that the article was written with malice and that its meaning was that she was deliberately evading the police, was insincere and lacked integrity.
The article has also portrayed her as a disloyal citizen and cited her for treason for tarnishing the country’s image by bringing up these issues.
Defence rejected
In its defence, Utusan Malaysia denied defaming her, stating that the article was based on facts.
However, in rejecting this today, Justice Tee ruled that the article was filled with a “tone of sensation” and found that there was no attempt made to seek comment from Fernandez.
“The article has serious allegations of dishonesty and lack of integrity. The plaintiff (Fernandez) said she suffered adverse consequences because of the publication of the article and the conduct of the defendants,” he said.
“From the time of libel to the verdict, the defendants did not attempt to retract the libel and verify the truth before or after publishing the article. (There was also) absence and refusal of correction, retraction and apology despite the plaintiff’s demand.”
In assessing damages, the judge - who has presided over the three-year case since November 2004 - acknowledged that Fernandez is a “well-known human rights activist” for her work both domestically and internationally.
He then awarded damages amounting to RM200,000 with costs and interest.
Apart from Moganambal, Fernandez was also represented by Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, while Mubashir Mansor and Trevor Padasian from law firm Skrine & Co appeared for the defendants.
Mubashir told Malaysiakini he would wait for his client’s instruction as to whether to file an appeal.
Utusan Group senior manager (legal/company secretary) Sharina Saidon was also present.
Outside the courtroom, a jovial Fernandez said she was “really, really happy and feel vindicated”.
“I’m one for freedom of expression, but in that freedom of expression, you have to be responsible in your writing,” she told reporters.
“I am glad he recognised my activism and our work at Tenaganita, a struggle that we go through each day to make a difference in the life of the most oppressed community in the country.”
On the quantum of damages, Fernandez pledged to plough this back to the community through Tenaganita programmes.
“The quantum is not important, whatever we receive will go back to the community,” she said.
Appeal date pending
Despite her victory, Fernandez remains convicted under the Printing Presses and Publications Act for maliciously publishing false news on the alleged death and tortures in the detention camps.
Fernandez, who was convicted in 2003 but granted a stay of execution from her one-year imprisonment, has since appealed the decision in the high court.
Due to her criminal conviction, Fernandez - who is also PKR supreme council member - was barred from contesting in the last general election in 2004.
Asked about the progress of the case, she said she was waiting for a hearing date to be fixed.
“I hope that my appeal will be brought forward and that can be heard as well. I believe justice will also be done,” she remarked.
She hoped her appeal would be heard in time for her to have the opportunity to contest the coming general election. Fernandez had previously run for the Subang parliamentary seat, but lost.
Malik said the judgment, was the “clearest” to date on what is deemed responsible journalism and stressed the suit was filed to promote press freedom, and not to suppress it.
**Taken from www.malaysiakini.com
Of hippie life and unexpected paths
I'm sitting in a little hippie cafe in a little hippie town
Sipping peanut butter+espresso+chocolate latte
Or something decadent like that.
I've been in the woods
Living outdoors
With no electricity in the camps
And 3 minute showers
with about 60 other amazing people.
Who are here to...
Teach kids
Learn from kids
Allow kids to tap into their own potential
Have fun with kids
Be a leader
Guide a kid towards being a leader
The kids aren't here yet
They'll be here tomorrow
But already I feel I know them
I've read about them
Those who have been here before talk about them
And I cant wait to see hug them
As they step off the bus
I am
It's amazing how life works
The opportunities that come along when you aren't looking for them
Tis a blessing.
I'll write more when i can.
For now...read up about Morry's Camp.
It's an incredible place.
Ollie's Wisdom
Yesterday's fortune cookie:
"You will be awarded some great honor".
I look forward to that, Cookie.
Closing Time
This is my final post from Pine Hall Room 219 (2005 Birchmont Dr NE, Bemidji, MN 56601)
My door is stripped naked. Boxes and bags surround the room. Unwanted notes and junk stuffed into garbage bags. Odds & ends remain to be packed.
My walls are bare ('cept for the bit of paint that Dad accidently ripped out).
It's time to go.
You were fabulous, Pine. Pine-hall people - you were Amazing. I'll miss you all, Arlene especially, Naked Nancy, My-Croquet-Boys, conversations in the kitchen and random-spontaneous hallway 'parties'.
With love,
Your loyal tenant of Pine 219.
Note to self:
"Yahweh has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken, to proclaim liberty to captives" Isaiah:61
I was late for mass, and late to pick up my graduation present from Fr. Chuck. This was the last board that was sitting there. It's perfect.
I needed that message.
Thank You.
It's just not right.
To Elaine with love...

You are...
a blessing
Your laughter makes us smile
(and I won't credit mirror neurons for that)
You are an impish little one
But that just makes you all the more fabulous
You are a friend that came in (relatively) late in my life
But I won't question this blessing,
But rather celebrate it.
Cheers, dear one. It has been good.
ps: Can't wait to celebrate our 50th birthday (our 'company' will just have to throw a massive bash for us. *nudge nudge wink wink)
We Got Global
Festival of Nations was so.very.
.worth the effort
We pray to the Lord
We beseech thee, Master, to be our helper and protector.
Save the afflicted among us; have mercy on the lowly;
raise up the fallen; appear to the needy; heal the ungodly;
restore the wanderers of thy people;
feed the hungry; ransom our prisoners;
raise up the sick; comfort the faint-hearted.
We pray for the the Virginia Tech community and their families, that in this time of tragedy and difficulty, they may find some solace in God's comfort.
Lord hear our prayers.
We pray for the families and friends of the 32 individuals whose lives were cut short, that the memories of their lives be celebrated and that their spirits triumph over the pain.
Lord hear our prayers.
We pray for the family of the perpetrator; may we realize that they too are affected
by this horror, that we understand that the actions of one member of their family is not the fault of the rest of them, and that God keep them safe and guide them towards healing.
Lord hear our prayers.
We pray for all those who have died as a result of violence, for the victims in the bombings in Bangladesh, for those who have died in the war in Iraq and for all the victims throughout the world who have died as a result of violence. We pray that we collectively understand that violence in Any circumstance is not justified, and that peace Is an option.
Lord hear our prayers.
We pray for all individuals who feel alone in this world, for those who are depressed, for all who are angry and see no other option other than violence - we pray that they may realize that there Are other options, that hope is not a distant thought, that we believe in their humanity and have faith in their souls.
Lord hear our prayers.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light,
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console,
not so much to be understood as to understand,
not so much to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we awake to eternal life.
St. Francis of Assisi
Oh Senate...
Firstly, I apologize to the one reader I have and the other person who accidently stumbled across this blog for the lack of updates.
No excuses. I've just been damn malas (that's 'lazy', btw).
It's 3.20 am and I'm wide awake.
Why? Because I've had lots of work to finish.
But why so late?
Because I started work at 1 am.
Why 1 am?
Because I was in an emergency Student Senate meeting from 6 pm to midnight, working on our response to the administrations Budget Proposal.
It was worth it.
I'm so immensely proud to be a part of that, and so deliriously excited over these marvellous people. The energy and passion in the room was empowering. Renewing. Freakin' fab.
Warm Fuzzies and "Yeah, Buddy"s for BSU Student Senate!
I am...
paying it forward, in Texas, baby!
--- > http://www.stlf.net/
Good morning, sunshine
It's beautiful to wake up in the morning to a song that makes you smile playing in your head.
It's a blessing to hit snooze, sleep for what seems like hours, wake up and realize that 'hours' was only 10 minutes.
It's so good to get into the shower and have the water pressure and temperature just right.
It's a heart-warming joy to check your email and receive an absolutely touching card from a dear friend, and realizing that the card was just for being you.
...I've only been awake for 35 minutes ; the day has just started, and yet so many things to be grateful for.
Good morning, world. It's gonna be good.
Verbal Valium
My mind has refused to shut up.
Usually, it chatters away quietly by itself.
But now, My Mind demands more.
Quiet chatter satisfies it no longer.
Talk talk yak yak bicker bicker think think
I'm often a fan of my own Mind speaking
(a symptom of too much 'self-love'?)
But sometimes I'd like for it to think less
Or to think mindless thoughts
I miss that - sitting around talking about nothing
Random rubbish, simple-silliness
These days, even that leads to other thoughts
Maybe what I need is a good-shallow gossiping session.
Gossip, as evil as it is, works pretty damn well as verbal valium.
So a man walked into a barn and....
What do you think a 'sense of humor' back-in-the-day (as in during Biblical times) meant?
What did the Apostles, for instance, chuckle about when they huddled around breaking bread together?
Was there one guy who stood out as the group-comedian?
Ancient humor - what's the punchline?
Please say honestly...
Come to me now
And lay your hands over me
Even if it's a lie
Say it will be alright
And I shall believe
I'm broken in two
And I know you're on to me
That I only come home
When I'm so all alone
But I do believe
That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won't give up on me
And I shall believe
And I shall believe
Open the door
And show me your face tonight
I know it's true
No one heals me like you
Never again
would I turn away from you
I'm so heavy tonight
But your love is alright
That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly
You won't give up on me
And I shall believe
I shall believe
And I shall believe
And I do believe
And you hold the key
---------------------------- I Shall Believe, by Sheryl Crow
Buckwheat's Theme
Wagon Wheel, by Old Crow Medicine Show
..So rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama anyway you feel
Hey mama rock me
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a south-bound train
Hey mama rock me
Look it up. It's a good one. ; )
...Because it's Cupid's trigger-happy day
The Wonder Years:
After Susan Fisher danced with Kevin, she went back to Donald. Linda leaves Kevin to dance with Steve Padwick. Carla dedicates The Righteous Brothers' "Unchained Melody" to Paul, who jumps up to dance with her. Kevin stands alone, reflecting:
Narrator: | All our young lives we search for someone to love. |
Paul and Carla dance slowly.
Narrator: | Someone who makes us complete. |
Kevin shown still alone, then fade to Susan and Donald slow dancing.
Narrator: | We choose partners and change partners. |
Kevin looks to Linda and Steve in each others' arms.
Narrator: | We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope... |
Kevin begins to walk through the crowd.
Narrator: | ...all the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, there's someone perfect... |
Winnie enters gym, smiling.
Narrator: | ...who might be searching for us. |
Kevin walks toward gym door, as Winnie continues in, searching.
Last chorus of song: | I need your love. |
They unknowingly pass each other through the crowd. The camera pulls back and Kevin exits, Winnie still looking for him.
Song: God speed your love to me.
The Inconvenience of Dreams
If only I could type as I dream.
I'd be a brilliant author.
A visionary director.
An award-winning playwrite.
A poet.
Or maybe it's just easier to fool myself when I am dreaming.
**If this post doesn't make sense, you need to dream better dreams.
Snow Flakes Random Knit Knit Neslo Scary Dog
4. I'm drinking hot chocolate + coffee (my mat salleh version of neslo). It's fabulous -although not quite as addictive as my Kakak's neslo-, but for one detail: I bought the wrong 'type' of coffee...i was in a massive rush with my grocery shopping, and instead of buying 'instant' coffee, I grabbed the type that requires a coffee maker. So now my 'neslo' has chewy, bitter coffee bits in it.
9. It snowed so very lightly today as I was walking to class. Twas very pretty. A snow flake got caught in my eyelashes. I left it there to see how long it would remain. And then I forgot all about it. (*I just checked: it's not there now though. Pity)
10. I intend to learn how to knit (*ok, pick yourself off the floor and stop spitting blood at the thought). Elaine has assured me that I am competent enough to be able to learn it. I hope she knows that she will probably have a better chance teaching beavers how to figure skate. But I shall remain optimistic (or stab the eye of the person next to me with my knitting needles).
2.. Bread pudding with lemon glaze tastes very nice.
7. I wonder why I have so many things that are red in colour? Is red my 'favourite colour'? I'd rather not think so. I like all colours....except swamp green / brown. No, no...that could look good too.
5. I feel like I have to re-learn how to read non-academic books. Today I made a list of books I'd love to read. But this comes a day after my list of movies to watch. I fear the movie-list may be ticked off sooner, simply because of greater access to movies. Or maybe I need to expand my book circle, and start borrowing loads of people. Oh, and that place they call the library.
3. My classes this semester excite me as much as they terrify the little voices out of me. Advanced Statistics, Research Lab, History & Systems of Psychology & Psychophysiology & Perception shall be my last classes as an undergrad. *Shake, Courage, shake...
8. I miss my dog so very much. I shout out 'dog!' and point everytime I see a dog. Much like a 3 year old who has just learnt that word. Hmm.
1. I'm terrified about being interviewed for a job. I feel like I have no real skills or competencies to boast about. And I'm not even a modest person, so these feelings Really scare me.
6. I laugh alot to myself. I wonder if I do so more than others. Knowing this isn't at all important to my well-being or my life in general, yet I'm very curious.

Iris' Russian Balls

Sheera At The Dentist
What the fiddle sticks is this?

Happy days, mate

Sheera After the Dentist-me(a)et.
At Mass last night, Father Vincent said something that struck me.
His content of his sermon that night was in light of the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision. Without getting into the details of it (for others do a far better job explaining it compared to my attempts), this Supreme Court decision made abortions legal in the United States. Since then, there have apparently been about 42 million abortions (recorded).
Upon sharing this figure, Fr. Vincent very poignantly had us consider that it wasn't just the 42 million unborn children that were affected by abortion, but that at least 84 million others were, for every one of those children had a mother and a father...how tragic of us to ignore the grief and pain that they too must have felt.
So he asked us to pray that night, not only for the children who weren't born, but for these 84 millions moms and dads, who have had to carry the grief with them...he had us recognize the utmost importance of praying for their healing. Pain has a way of living through generations, surviving death and living again through newborns...if our parents carry grief and are unable to heal, that pain becomes very real to us.
There is too much pain in the world right now...so, let us pray for healing...
America the...?

I’m in search of the real America. My cousin asked me when we were in holiday in London, what the American culture is. London is jam packed with people from every corner of the globe…most seem to still represent the distant (and not so distant) lands that they come from, even in subtle ways. Looking around, I wasn’t quite sure how to answer her. What is the budaya America? Growing up on a steady diet of American television (filtered through the censor boards), and reading, listening and viewing American foreign policy in action, I hesitated to give the standard stereotypical answers – there has to be more to America than Dubya, cheerleaders and Walmarts.
Maybe it was difficult to answer because I had grown up watching American telly, hence everything seemed rather familiar to me. Or maybe it was difficult because I’m finding it very hard to find features that stand out, because everything seems to be so…uniformed. Americans pride themselves for having qualities of independence, uniqueness, qualities that make them stand out from the rest…yet, on the few drives that I’ve had across Minnesota, and also from Minnesota to Illinois, each town we passed in different states seemed to be replicas of the previous one. Walmart, Target, McDonalds, Starbucks, Perkins…the stunning natural beauty of the American landscape littered with logos, each doing nothing to represent the state they inhabit, the town they reside it, the people they feed off. Doesn’t it seem crazy to you? Malaysia is such a tiny country, but drive four hours from KL to Kedah and you notice the difference…why do I not see that here? Or is it still here but difficult to notice, breathing its last few breaths in the corners between giant supermarkets and chain stores?
Perhaps, perhaps, and I shall go in search of it. Five months poking about a small part of America doesn’t do much justice to this search, but it’s what I’ve got for now; that, and optimism.
*I didn’t think I was the only one with these thoughts, but I had no idea there was a documentary about this. I’ve yet to watch the full doc, but the trailer looks promising. Do check it out at http://www.independentamerica.net/
Sky-high crushes
I had noticed him sitting in the BMI lounge. About twenty of us sitting there, strangers connected by the deep frustration of the irrational fog and our flight that was caught up in the fuzzy madness of it all. Each one had our own way to deal with it – one lady was busy engaged in a loud, gossipy conversation with someone called ‘luv’ on the other end of a line; one girl whined to her partner at every breathing interval while another couple kissed every 15 minutes or so (I should have timed them). Others sat blankly, thinking perhaps of the people waiting for them at the other end, their spouses growing increasingly frustrated, the children growing sleepy and cranky, waiting for mommy to return so that they could greet her and get to bed.
I wondered what stood waiting for us twenty delayed passengers, caught in a terminal…not quite in London and two hours from the Glasgow we so longed to reach. Christmas was in 2 days… were we all going back to families, to the warmth of their comfort, to ridiculous overeating of roast and pudding, drinking too much wine, and bad personal renditions of Christmas carols (possibly as a result of the wine consumption)? Or were there among us escapees, running away from family, eager to find a different kind of peace?
I wondered especially about him, what was he going to? Where was he coming from? Was the frown he carried because the flight delays kept him from family, from a loved one, or was it from the frustration of not being able to escape yet? I couldn’t quite tell… he let out a sigh, and looked up suddenly, and I looked away…
A three-seat row. Sigh. I truly dislike those. At least I got the window seat, grateful that my random selection of seat gained me that. I settle down and buckle up, preparing to sleep when I see the ‘stranger’ I was to squish next to…it was him. Ah. His seat was in the aisle, so there would be no ‘squishing’ (damn), but suddenly, all thoughts of sleep are abandoned. I pull out my book, and pretend to read.
About 500 glances later in his direction, and 1 ½ hours on the tarmac waiting for the flight to take off, I’m about to die. I have to say something to him. I don’t know why. It’s not like me at all. Blame it on the 30 something hours of traveling I’ve had to go through so far…chalk it up to tiredness, stress, crazy holiday spirit. I don’t know what it is, and frankly, I don’t quite care. All I know is that it suddenly seems really important that I say something. Talking to strange guys…yeah, a rite of passage of sorts that I suddenly feel I have to go through. So after the five hundred and first glance, I do it. My great opener. My fabulous conversation starter.
‘Would you like a piece of chocolate?’
The InnerMe rolls over and tries to die.
He looks up at me, and smiles an amused little grin, ‘No, thank you’. Ah…what a voice. What a lovely accent…a clear British accent (that would make good ol’ Mom E proud), with a hint of the Scottish tone. My heart melts a little.
Ok, so that didn’t go very far. Feeling brave, I try again. ‘So…is Glasgow your final destination?’. Turns out it is, and when he asks, I tell him I’ve got to travel to Dundee.
And so we start talking…about the weather (literally; ‘A blizzard I can understand, but a fog? A fog? – he laments over the weather that’s holding us up, to which I reply ‘Yes, well, a fog may not seem like much but I don’t know about you, but I’d like the pilot to be able to see…sight seems rather important when flying a plane’.)…about what we both do (he works in London, and is ‘in finance’…me: ‘I have to be honest, I can’t even pretend to find that interesting’…that earns me another laugh and my heart melts a little more. Gosh, I’m such a sucker). We talk about life, what we are passionate about…we speak wistfully about our dreams, where we’d love for life to take us, the paths we have traveled or hope to be travelers on…he tells me he has traveled the globe, gone to every continent except Asia...that’s next on his list. He worked in Africa for sometime, when he volunteered for the U.N. Clever, interested in cultures, a traveler, excellent conversationist, funny, volunteers AND really, really cute? I was about ready to die, except this was too good to miss, too much fun to cut short. I was so close to swooning right off my seat. I know now the importance of seat belts…forget turbulence. That pales in comparison to this. They should put this on the flight safety manual.
That damn fog really can’t be counted on for favors; why couldn’t it delay our landing? How rude of it to disappear, and to have us land on time…how dare it not prolong our journey and allow me more of this splendid conversation?
We land, and too quickly passengers start grabbing their stuff and filing out of the plane. I’m always very slow, I hate the rush and the pushing, and in my slowness I realize he is gone. Left the plane. Sigh. I take my stuff and leave.
But no, wait… there he is, waiting as I step off the plane. He smiles, and together we walk to baggage collection, chatting along the way, teasing each other about our families abandoning us after that long delay. He offers his phone for me to ring my cousin, and says he’ll walk with me to look for her. I sigh internally, a long, silly, happy sigh.
We chat some more, waiting for our bags to arrive. I secretly pray that our bags come last, or even better…that there has been a problem, and we’d have to wait a couple of hours for them. Oh how lovely…when I want a delay, why won’t the Universe grant me one? But never mind, for now I will be content in this, in this simple chatter and company.
Till suddenly I hear it ‘Trina?’…Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I scream internally. Nonononononononononono… my cousin found me. I try to pretend I didn’t hear that, to will her away. I’m glad to see you but go, go go go go go…. It’s hopeless. She tries again, louder ‘Trina??’. I turn around, abandoning him, as she hugs me and starts to chat away. What am I to do? Selfish InnerKat screams ‘leave her be!!’, but I couldn’t do that…she had driven 2 ½ hours from Dundee and waited over 3 hours for me to arrive. Why, why why why oh why? Sigh. From the corner of my eye I see him pick up his bag. He looks at me and I turn to him, unsure how to do this…to bid goodbye to the best conversation with a stranger, to suddenly end it, to prematurely terminate our non-relationship. We finally resort to an awkward ‘bye, it was nice talking to you’.
He half-waves, picks up his bag, and walks away.
I look at him leave, and realize I didn’t even get his name…
Fogging Around in Heathrow

The Journey so Far:
-- 4 1/2 hours on the road (from Bemidji to Minneapolis)
-- 12 hour wait at someone's house (supposed to be the airport. thank God for Good Samaritans)
-- 5 hour wait in Minneapolis airport
-- 2 hour flight to Chicago
-- 5 hour wait in Chicago's O'Hare Airport
-- 7 ++ hour plane ride to London ---it all lead to: Heathrow, Terminal 1: 7.21 a.m.
-- Next flight: 9 pm (*it would later turn out to be at 1.30 a.m., followed by a 1 + hour wait on the tarmac, due to 'high traffic'. A plane traffic jam. whoo.pee.)
Surviving in Heathrow:
- Attempted to check in my suitcase 15 hours before my flight. That didn’t go over to well. Not entirely my fault. Cute check-in guy went through the whole process, gave me the boarding pass and so forth before realizing that my flight was 9 pm, not 9 am….From all smiles to an ‘are you seriously mental’-look. Sigh. There goes all hope with him. Why couldn't he have just told me Before all that, and saved me the embarassment? And I had already planned out our engagement party (but not the wedding, of course ; what do you think I am, crazy?)
- Observation: Heathrow – a terribly hideous airport. But thankfully, the complete lack of any form of loveliness (or imagination, or creativity for that matter) is made up for by the very, very good looking travelers that use it as a pit spot in their globe trekking.
- Realization: long hours of nothingness reduces me to a state of complete shallowness. It’s a form of survival ; by functioning at a reduced state of being, I need less to get by. And if ‘appreciating the scenery’ is all I need, then it’s a good thing I was at Heathrow.
- Sat down for almost 12 hours straight, without leaving my seat. Now, it wasn’t quite by choice.because of the fog, the airport was a nightmare, jam packed with travelers. That I actually got a seat was a miracle. And I wasn’t going to give it up to the vultures that hung around, waiting for me to raise my bum slightly off the seat so that they could pounce on it like starved, rabid beasts ('it' being the seat, Not my 'bum'). Hah! I will not be defeated. I will instead sit here, cramped in pain, in desperate need of bladder release, food for my starved tummy, for that is surely more desirable than defeat.
- Took about 15 naps. Managed to control not drooling by the 6th nap.
- Chatted with a lovely, 'distinguished'-looking elderly British lady, who reminded me so much of Dame Judi Dench. She so kindly lent me her cell phone so that I could call my cousins and let them know the status of my flight...and she offered without me asking!
- Had a nice little conversation with a man from Hong Kong, who lived in Glasgow for 15 years but now works in Dublin. He had such an odd accent – and it’s no wonder...
- Eves-dropped on about a hundred different conversations.
- Noticed that people in Heathrow kiss a lot more than in any other airport I’ve been in.
- Had a wonderful time chatting and colouring a Shrek picture-book with a 4 year old girl called Isla. The sweetest girl I've ever met. *Isla: "I don't have any cousins. Some people don't have cousins, you know. Oh...I'm sure you already know that" (said in a darling little British accent). *heart melts
**more of crawling through UK soon.