4. I'm drinking hot chocolate + coffee (my mat salleh version of neslo). It's fabulous -although not quite as addictive as my Kakak's neslo-, but for one detail: I bought the wrong 'type' of coffee...i was in a massive rush with my grocery shopping, and instead of buying 'instant' coffee, I grabbed the type that requires a coffee maker. So now my 'neslo' has chewy, bitter coffee bits in it.
9. It snowed so very lightly today as I was walking to class. Twas very pretty. A snow flake got caught in my eyelashes. I left it there to see how long it would remain. And then I forgot all about it. (*I just checked: it's not there now though. Pity)
10. I intend to learn how to knit (*ok, pick yourself off the floor and stop spitting blood at the thought). Elaine has assured me that I am competent enough to be able to learn it. I hope she knows that she will probably have a better chance teaching beavers how to figure skate. But I shall remain optimistic (or stab the eye of the person next to me with my knitting needles).
2.. Bread pudding with lemon glaze tastes very nice.
7. I wonder why I have so many things that are red in colour? Is red my 'favourite colour'? I'd rather not think so. I like all colours....except swamp green / brown. No, no...that could look good too.
5. I feel like I have to re-learn how to read non-academic books. Today I made a list of books I'd love to read. But this comes a day after my list of movies to watch. I fear the movie-list may be ticked off sooner, simply because of greater access to movies. Or maybe I need to expand my book circle, and start borrowing loads of people. Oh, and that place they call the library.
3. My classes this semester excite me as much as they terrify the little voices out of me. Advanced Statistics, Research Lab, History & Systems of Psychology & Psychophysiology & Perception shall be my last classes as an undergrad. *Shake, Courage, shake...
8. I miss my dog so very much. I shout out 'dog!' and point everytime I see a dog. Much like a 3 year old who has just learnt that word. Hmm.
1. I'm terrified about being interviewed for a job. I feel like I have no real skills or competencies to boast about. And I'm not even a modest person, so these feelings Really scare me.
6. I laugh alot to myself. I wonder if I do so more than others. Knowing this isn't at all important to my well-being or my life in general, yet I'm very curious.
Images that have absolutely nothing to do with anything here. Or maybe they do, in some very odd way?
Iris' Russian Balls

Sheera At The Dentist
What the fiddle sticks is this?

Happy days, mate

Sheera After the Dentist-me(a)et.
*grabs some pom-pom and does a little dance/cheer*
Gimme a K! Gimme a A! Gimme a TTTT!!!! Gimme a K-A-T!!!!
GoooOOOOO KAT!!!! ;)
Haha. You think i'll have a better chance teaching beavers how to figure skate? Hahahaha.
I have faith in you lah! :)) Oh, and no stabbing my eye! since i will most likely be the person next to you while you're knitting. Hehe.
Oh, I'll go look for knitting needles tomorrow, and buy yarn!
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