The Tactful Malaysian
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/ 12:52 PM /
Lady: "Oh my Gawd, what happend to yer faace?!" *screwed up expression, unpleasant voice*
Me: "It's eczema." *blankly*
Lady: "Oh my Gawd, it's all oveer yer haands too!" *more wide-eyed exclamation*
Me: "Uh uh.". *bored*
That was a bit of a conversation between me and a lady yesterday. Malaysians are full of this. I say Malaysians, as a somewhat over-generalization, because in the 1 1/4 years that I was away from Malaysia, not once did I have someone come up to me and say things like that.
During the 21 years in Malaysia, however, I've experienced this countless times. If it's not shock and horror over my skin (sometimes later masked with sympathy & yet another "magical remedy suggestion"), it's "Wah, you've become so fat" or "Aiyo, why are you so big?".
True story, my friend.
So F-ing TRUE!!! those uncles and aunties (especially the old aunties) can;t help but make self-esteem crushing comments like those!!!! ARGGGGH!!!!
Funny isnt it, in a face-saving culture, you get comments coming from these sorta people.
choo: people feel powerful when they put you down or find flaws in you. even if all they have over you is shiny, splendid skin. it's rather tragic how so many of us grasp blindly at the tiniest things to feel good about ourselves.
sam: i didn't think of it that way. good insight! and yes, it is 'funny'.
I think what sam meant was how ironic it is.... :P
yes, choo! aku faham! haha
Yes, ironic is the word, thanks!
Opsss.....bad....LOL....*hides her face*
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