Posted by
/ 4:51 PM /
My dog is itchy.
And it's killing me.
One of my biggest concerns about possibly becoming a mother (in the distant future) is that I'll pass eczema on to my kids/grandkids. Sure, they don't know heckuvalot about eczema, but there are many clear signs that say it is hereditary.
My dog is itchy and scratchy and it breaks my heart to see her go through this.
What more with my own child?
Shortdog's itchy phase will soon pass when the bout of bacterial infection is treated, but eczema doesn't just.pass.
It stays.And haunts you.And dictates so much of what you do and feel.
It's a constant battle of will.spirit.esteem. to live with it.
It's not an inconvenient rash.
So, i'm sorry if i'm a little pissy today.
*passes kat a glass of cosmopolitan*
A battle it shall stay strong! :)
it worries me that u seem to suggest either guns or alcohol when im distressed!
AHAHAHHAA....the 'bestest' way my dear....HAHAHAHA.....KIDDDDINGGGG!
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